Cobo´s Gallery

9th grade

Semestral exam

this project was the one that i enjoy the most. this was our semestral exam for the semester number 1. we had to go threw a checklist and a series of steps to complete this project. that was what made this project unique that yougo threw that steps but the figures that you make were of your choice.then you have to paint each figure that form with a color as it said on the rubric. then we had to do a series of 3 questions for our project based on the myp portfolio or criteria. i think this is one of ther projects that i enjoy the most. it was interesting because you could do it and paint it the way you want by using the checklist. also it was really good to have a checklist because it guide me in some way and make me do the project in a better way.

Sketches: Feria de Quito Jesus del Gran Poder

this sketch was the best one for me. this assignment consist on doing 3 or 4 sketches each two weeks. i think it is a really good assingment because it is easy and we can do it at any time. if we are bored we draw a sketch if we finish something we draw it so is really good because it entertains you and it is really easy. i think this sketch is one of the best one because i love doing it and two because i love feria de quito and bulls. bullfighting has be in me threw years i love it since i was really little. my father take me since i was like 4 years. my family has loved bulls and this hobby because we have been creating a bull farm since i was not born yet. this sketch is special because i think is the sketch with most emotion and the one with most skills i could do it. in fact i love doing sketches because it is optional the sketch that you can do and it is really fun.

Sketch:Polo Argentino

polo is one of my favorite things to do in life. that is why i draw this sketch. i enjoy it a lot because is one of the things that i love to do and i enjoy a lot doing it. ive had been playing this fantastic sport since i was twelve and i hope to continue playing until i graduate and have 18. my dream was or is to become a proffesional polo player but i think it costs to much so i only play it for hobby. this sketch is based on the logo of asociacion de criadores de caballos de polo argentino and i think it is a really nice logo so i decide it to do it. also because everything i do of polo it is a new thing and i learn so that is why i enjoy it alot and i love it. sketches are really good assignments and i enjoy doing it.  
